Monday, June 29, 2015

Krosmaster: Arena Tournament Schedule for Quakecon [REGIONALS INFO]

This month, Japanime Games will be at Quakecon 2015! There will be a booth and 4 tournaments scheduled; 2 for Beginners, and 2 open to all players, including the Mid-South Regionals. I'll continue to update this list as Maps and prize kits are announced.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Growing Pains and How to Power Through

In anything you do in life you find yourself hitting certain plateaus along the way where you feel stuck and not making any progress. Since I started playing Krosmaster, I’ve always played a very aggressive play style with heavy hitters and more tanky characters. I decided that I needed to take a break and branch out to other play styles and see what I could learn from them.  It’s important to have goals when you play a game so you always have something to strive towards.  In addition to trying to new things out, I wanted to work on closing out games. There are many times that I create a strong advantage for myself only to stumble in the later and more impactful rounds of a tournament. I wanted to practice closing those games out early so the games to save some mental horse power for the later games and committing my plays to memory to the point they are fluid and natural.

Monday, June 1, 2015

DFW Krosmaster Events for June

Your friendly webtofu here, with a reminder of the Krosmaster Arena Events and Open Play for June. I've changed it so the calendar auto-updates for the weekly/monthly events.
If you have an event or get-together to add, please comment below, and we'll add it to the list!