Monday, May 30, 2016

Krosmaster Quest Map Conversion II: Crypt Map

Using the Crypt Map in Krosmaster Quest

Have an extra copy of the Crypt Map? Have Krosmaster Quest? Well here are rules for converting the map!

Krosmaster Quest Map Conversion I: Island Map

Using the Island Map in Krosmaster Quest

Have an extra copy of the Island Map? Have Krosmaster Quest? Well here are rules for converting the map!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Rules For Special Maps: Island I (Piwate map)

Throughout the 2015 tournament season, the Island I map was used. In addition, the map is one side of the Piwate Island set. This post is a reminder of the special rules of that map, as well as the rules for The Game of Ghost Pirates mini-game.

Rules For Special Maps: National Championships 2015

Attendees at BGG.CON who participated in tournaments in 2015 received a special map. 
This post is a reminder of the map rules for anyone who may need them.